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Student Spotlight


Ashley Kleptz

Posted on February 19, 2020 

“Follow your passion early on in life”

Student Spotlight – Fall 2015 – Ashley Kleptz

Posted on October 27, 2015 by admin

SoFAD Student Spotlight

Ashley Kleptz


“Always create, because you can’t be a starving artist’ if you’re not creating art. ”


What area are you specializing in within Visual Communications? Graphic Design.

What inspired you to pursue a career in Visual Communications?
I actually was more heavily involved with fine art, then, in my Junior year of high school my art teacher encouraged me to learn the Adobe programs thinking I would do well and would enjoy it. He was right!

What is/was your favorite class and why?
Graphic Design 3 when we worked on a full campaign. I really enjoyed working through the process and understanding the work it takes to make a whole run of something.

Who is your favorite artist and why?
This is never an easy question…I would have to say a mix between Alex Pardee,Vartan Garnikyan, and Neil Adams. Pardee has a rather grotesque style, but I like the emotional reactions it can give the viewer, even if it’s not positive. His use of color, overall, is also visually exciting. Garnikyan takes iconic works of art and transforms them into superhero themed works of art, such as taking Starry Night and making it Batman looking over Gotham with the moon being the bat signal. For us comic book lovers, Neil Adams is known for some of the most iconic art for characters such as Batman, Superman, and the Green Arrow. Overall, as a person he’s extremely interesting and has amazing stories about where comics came from and where they are now.

What high school did you attend and if appropriate what kinds of classes prepared you for success in Visual Communications?
Constantine High School in Michigan. My art class offered a variety of options. I only did one semester of graphic arts, but I picked up rather quickly and played with the software on my free time when available.

What is your favorite Adobe Application and how is it used?
InDesign is my absolute favorite! It is a layout application. I love how easy it is to create various types of layouts and even make interactive PDFS.

When will you graduate?  What do you plan to do after graduation?
At the end of the fall semester, I plan to hunt for a new job in graphic arts. My current position is in purchasing but I would like to do freelance work and pro bono to help strengthen my resume.  I do not currently have work experience at a company to put in my resume.

What is your favorite advertisement?
Any type of high end car commercial. They’re always so sleek and use great lighting and eye flow.  

Do you have any advice for your fellow designers/artists? Life Quote?
Absolutely nothing is out of reach or impossible. Never feel like you aren’t able to accomplish something just because it seems too hard or out of your league. Love your talents, and always expand upon them, and keep positive people around you when you’re happy, especially when you’re struggling.

Is there anything else you wish to share?
Take advantage of the people who are teaching you, use the time they offer to help, build a relationship with them, because they will become one of your best allies in learning.

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